סדנא בנושא: "נשים במדעי המחשב"

12 במרץ 2014, 14:00 
אולם זאבי, מוזיאון בית התפוצות 
ללא תשלום
סדנא בנושא: "נשים במדעי המחשב"

Women In Computer Science Workshop

The under-representation of women in computer science and engineering disciplines has been widely discussed in academia, national laboratories and government. At The Blavatnik School of Computer Science, we are committed to monitoring gender balance in our activities and to raising awareness of issues facing women scientists as their careers advance. 


We are very excited to host the second Workshop on "Women in Computer Science", to be held March 12, 2014. The rationale behind this workshop is that even though the number of female students in computer science and related fields has been growing, there are still very few women in leading academic and industrial positions. The goal of this workshop in part is to expose the students to leading women in academia, research and industry, and to discuss the great opportunities and possibilities in this exciting area.



פרטים נוספים והרשמה מראש דרך אתר הכנס


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שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות, נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>